Beauty Clinic


Beauty Clinic Overview

Looking for medical-grade technology with visible and reliable results?

Welcome to Times GP Beauty!

We provide safe and comfortable experience with our laser therapy and radio-frequency (RF) therapy. These are non-surgical options, with little to no downtime. We customise your treatment to your skin condition and individual needs.

We also offer Dermal fillers and Anti-Wrinkles injections.

Contact us on 0456 464 139 for more information – phone call, SMS or WhatsApp.

Our popular picosecond laser removes unwanted pigmentation, acne scars, fine lines and wrinkles. It delivers energy pulses at one trillionth of a second, activating your body’s natural skin cell processes for more youthful-looking skin that is hydrated, brightened with even skin tone, and tightened pores.

Wave goodbye to stubborn fat. Our revolutionary body contouring laser technology eliminates fat cells permanently from problem areas such as abdomen, love handles, back, thighs, under the chin.

This new radio-frequency (RF) treatment reduces facial fine lines and wrinkles, tightens skin, and improves the appearance of cellulite, by delivering heat deep into the skin to regenerate collagen.

Put the spark back into your intimacy? Vaginal conditions such as dryness, laxity or reduced sensation can often be related to childbirth, hormonal imbalance or ageing. This vaginal rejuvenation treatment can help enhance your body’s healing abilities and restore vaginal health by improving lubrication and tightening through collagen production.